The primary tool in politics is the character assasination tactic. It builds up as the elections get closer. If you are not deeply disturbed by the following, then you might want to re-examine your awareness -
Below is how some campaign managers operate. This is actually how they think. This is used by ALL of the political parties. This is a widely distributed "Political Operative's Hit List" of tactics that are in common use by campaigns today:
" Never mention the name of the opposing party. Refer to the Candidate by name, only, in order to minimize their status."
" Turn every fact into a negative. Everything you discover about the official or person you are targeting must be massaged into something that is bad. Turn every aspect into something awful. All facts have two sides to the story, your job is to interprete the bad side and then make it sound as bad as possible."
" The average American has the intellect of a child or an ape. They are easily persuaded by the loudest voice, the most colorful object and the generalized movement of masses without respect to logic or circumspection. They will watch endless hours of "reality television" as long as it depicts equally stupid people. They will watch toilet humor movies with frat house prank actors forever as long as the actors are as childish as the audience is. It is easy to brainwash them into buying a product, needing a needless service or doing something they otherwise might not naturally do. Their willingness to think and consider all sides of a thing is very limited. Use flash, avoid substance, never be specific about anything and you win the election every time."
" Use only our internal newspaper wire service, it will send out a political clipsheet every week, to thousands of “thought leaders,” and cartoons, editorials, and articles to 200,000 newspapers. Rural newspapers are so desperate for copy that many will print whatever our Service sends them, including documents that are basically press releases disguised as editorials endorsing whatever political position we advance."
" Pretend that you are the Voice of the People. Use radio ads, sponsored by a false-front group with the word “Citizens” or “taxpayers” in the name."
" Attack, attack, attack. You can’t wage a defensive campaign and win!"
" Keep it simple. Rhyming is a good tactic for the majority. The low intellect voter’s love rhymes. Never explain anything. The more you have to explain the more difficult it is to win support."
" Humans are insanely easy to brainwash. Say the same thing over and over again. We have to get a voter’s attention seven times per slogan to control their intentions. Anybody that hears the same thing seven times is programmed to it for life."
" Subtlety is your enemy. Words that lean on the mind are no good. They must dent it. Simplify, simplify, simplify. A wall goes up when you try to make Mr. and Mrs. Average American Citizen work or think."
" Find any idiotic grammar or geography mistake a person said and play it over and over until the public thinks that their mix-up of the name of a state was a call to eat babies. Make every mistake sound like a federal crime"
" Fan flames. A good political engineer needs more partisanship in this country to operate effectively. Never shy away from controversy; instead, win the controversy. The average American doesn’t want to be educated; he doesn’t want to improve his mind; he doesn’t even want to work, consciously, at being a good citizen, But there are two ways you can interest him in a campaign, and only two that we have ever found successful. You can put on a fight or you can put on a Show. So if you can’t fight, PUT ON A SHOW! And if you put on a good show, Mr. and Mrs. America will turn out to see it. "
" Winner takes all. If you launch a campaign for a new car, your client doesn’t expect you to lead the field necessarily in the first year, or even the tenth year, But in politics, they don’t pay off for PLACE OR SHOW! You have to win, if you want to stay in business.”
" This must be a campaign that makes people hear the beat of drums and the thunder of bombs. . . . This must be A CALL TO ARMS IN DEFENSE AMERICA!, that, above all things, will distract from any bad economic report, sex scandal, or other distraction."
" Never tell the candidate what you are really doing. Let them think it is all bread and roses but behind the scenes you must use knives and shotguns. If you fail, you lose your car, your girlfriend and your house. You must win the campaign at all costs. YOU DO NOT WORK FOR THE CANDIDATE. THEY ARE JUST THE FACE IN FRONT. YOU WORK FOR THE CANDIDATE'S BACKERS. YOU WORK FOR THE BIG DONATION PEOPLE. Never, ever, ever forget this or you will starve! Listen to what the candidate says, smile and nod your head and then go do what the backers want and make the candidate think he is getting what he wants."
" Where the men go, the women will follow. Focus on male trigger slogans first."
" Always, and only, use our prescreened 15 minute talking script. Try not to speak for more than fifteen minutes—people get bored—and never for more than half an hour."
" Look at dating sites, find anybody the opposition may have dated, everybody someone broke up with has something bad to say about them."
" Talk to all of their ex bosses and ex co-workers, one of them must have been jealous or mad about them in the past."
" Reject any issues that affect our supporters ability to make money. Say often: You can’t beat something with nothing,” and: “Political XXXX is bad XXXXX. (Insert the topic of controversy in the XXXX position)”
" Lobby your local newspaper editors. Have your staff make in-person drop-by’s to every newspaper office to persuade editors to change their positions. Many of these newspapers do a vast amount of advertising business with us and received hundreds of words of free copy, each week, from our news services. They will not risk losing our advertising dollars when the internet is killing their business. We can cut out all of the newspapers supporting any given issue in 70 days if we stay on our goal. This is a top 6 issue and we now have the budget to spend 10 dollars against every individual dollar the opposing campaign spends to push it."
" Use Germany! In private conversations with Senators, use this talking point:“Please vote against all Compulsory XXXX Bills pending before the Legislature. We have enough regimentation in this country now. Certainly we don’t want to be forced to go to “A State XXXXX service,” or to pay for such a service whether we use it or not. That system was born in Nazi Germany—and is part and parcel of what our boys are fighting overseas to stop. Let’s not adopt it here.”
" This must be a campaign to arouse and alert the American people in every walk of life, until it generates a great public crusade and a fundamental fight for freedom, any other plan of action, in view of the drift toward socialization and despotism all over the world, would invite disaster."
" The great need is to go on the offensive—and to attack, Best to forget anybody who wouldn’t vote for you even if you got the personal endorsement of every saint in heave."
" Politics is just like show business. . . . You begin with a hell of an opening, you coast for a while, and you end with a hell of a closing."
" The public is basically lazy, basically uninterested in making an effort to understand what we’re talking about, Reason requires a higher degree of discipline, of concentration; impression is easier, Reason pushes the viewer back, it assaults him, it demands that he agree or disagree; impression can envelop him, invite him in, without making an intellectual demand. . . . When we argue with him we demand that he make the effort of replying. We seek to engage his intellect, and for most people this is the most difficult work of all. The
emotions are more easily roused, closer to the surface, more malleable. Voters are, simply, idiots. Treat them as such and keep them amused by the shiny object."
The above is a sample of the way political campaigns think and operate. Is this ethical?
Professional character assassins will create fake business accounts at, or bribe the staff of:
GIS BackGround Checks
Social Intelligence
Dun And Bradstreet
Kroll Backgrounds
...and numerous other database companies and input nasty lies, misrepresenations and red flag data in order to prevent you from ever getting hired again. This is a felony, though, and if you can find more than two cases of false input you have the start of good evidence for an arrest and to win a lawsuit. Search, find the bad data and file city, state and federal police reports and charges on those who did it to you. If any of your employers got a call from one of the attackers providing false information in an attempt to get you fired, or layed off, as we all now know, every communication in the world has been tracked for the last 10 years so it will be easy to catch them, now, with a subpoena.
GIS BackGround Checks
Social Intelligence
Dun And Bradstreet
Kroll Backgrounds
...and numerous other database companies and input nasty lies, misrepresenations and red flag data in order to prevent you from ever getting hired again. This is a felony, though, and if you can find more than two cases of false input you have the start of good evidence for an arrest and to win a lawsuit. Search, find the bad data and file city, state and federal police reports and charges on those who did it to you. If any of your employers got a call from one of the attackers providing false information in an attempt to get you fired, or layed off, as we all now know, every communication in the world has been tracked for the last 10 years so it will be easy to catch them, now, with a subpoena.
FROM RT Newspaper- 11/27/13
"We can discredit them’
Snowden’s revelation’s turned a spotlight on the NSA and its warehousing of billions of pieces of information - emails, phone calls, photos and videos. However, in its effort to find the proverbial needle in a haystack, the NSA is scooping up millions of innocent people in its dragnet.
However, in the never-ending fight against terrorism, proponents of the NSA’s eavesdropping techniques, which have spied on everything from the offices of the United Nations to the Vatican, maintain a position of security over privacy.
Stewart Baker, former general counsel for the NSA, supported the idea of practicing what essentially amounts to character assassination against individuals who are believed to pose a risk to US security interest.
"If people are engaged in trying to recruit folks to kill Americans and we can discredit them, we ought to," Baker said, as quoted by HP. "[D]ropping the truth on them," as opposed to a drone missile attack, for example, is “fairer and maybe more humane.”
Who’s next?
Although the NSA document only mentions Muslims on its list of targets, critics of the clandestine data mining system worry that such tactics could be used against ordinary Americans for any number of reasons.
"This kind of dragnet surveillance is precisely what the Fourth Amendment was meant to prohibit," said ACLU Deputy Legal Director Jameel Jaffer, who presented arguments against the NSA surveillance in a US federal court last week.
"The Constitution does not permit the NSA to place hundreds of millions of innocent people under permanent surveillance because of the possibility that information about some tiny subset of them will become useful to an investigation in the future," Jaffer added.
Jaffer said it is right to ask if a "president will ask the NSA to use the fruits of surveillance to discredit a political opponent, journalist or human rights activist."
"The NSA has used its power that way in the past and it would be naïve to think it couldn't use its power that way in the future," he said.
None of the individuals listed in the NSA document, all of whom are believed to reside outside the United States, is accused of being involved in terror plots against US interests, the article concluded. "
"We can discredit them’
Snowden’s revelation’s turned a spotlight on the NSA and its warehousing of billions of pieces of information - emails, phone calls, photos and videos. However, in its effort to find the proverbial needle in a haystack, the NSA is scooping up millions of innocent people in its dragnet.
However, in the never-ending fight against terrorism, proponents of the NSA’s eavesdropping techniques, which have spied on everything from the offices of the United Nations to the Vatican, maintain a position of security over privacy.
Stewart Baker, former general counsel for the NSA, supported the idea of practicing what essentially amounts to character assassination against individuals who are believed to pose a risk to US security interest.
"If people are engaged in trying to recruit folks to kill Americans and we can discredit them, we ought to," Baker said, as quoted by HP. "[D]ropping the truth on them," as opposed to a drone missile attack, for example, is “fairer and maybe more humane.”
Who’s next?
Although the NSA document only mentions Muslims on its list of targets, critics of the clandestine data mining system worry that such tactics could be used against ordinary Americans for any number of reasons.
"This kind of dragnet surveillance is precisely what the Fourth Amendment was meant to prohibit," said ACLU Deputy Legal Director Jameel Jaffer, who presented arguments against the NSA surveillance in a US federal court last week.
"The Constitution does not permit the NSA to place hundreds of millions of innocent people under permanent surveillance because of the possibility that information about some tiny subset of them will become useful to an investigation in the future," Jaffer added.
Jaffer said it is right to ask if a "president will ask the NSA to use the fruits of surveillance to discredit a political opponent, journalist or human rights activist."
"The NSA has used its power that way in the past and it would be naïve to think it couldn't use its power that way in the future," he said.
None of the individuals listed in the NSA document, all of whom are believed to reside outside the United States, is accused of being involved in terror plots against US interests, the article concluded. "